Volunteers for Israel is offering a unique program combining volunteering on active Israeli military bases with breathtaking private tours of Israel and the experience of participating on a major archaeological dig.
Volunteers for Israel
For 37 years, Volunteers for Israel (VFI) has partnered with the Israeli organization Sar-El to process and prepare Americans to volunteer on Israel Defense Forces bases. In 2018 VFI partnered with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) to launch a new program - VFI Plus Archaeology.
VFI Plus Archaeology, 2019
This year, VFI Plus Archaeology is offered May 12-25 and Sept. 8-21. The archaeology program begins with 5 days volunteering on an IDF base, followed by two days of private guided touring. Volunteers will then spend 5 days excavating with the IAA at the Givati Parking Lot excavations in Jerusalem, and two more days of guided touring.
VFI Plus Archaeology 2018
Since 2007 the Givati Parking Lot has been the largest active archaeological excavation in Jerusalem. Excavations are uncovering the most ancient parts of Canaanite and Israelite Jerusalem. A number of significant finds have been made in this excavation area, including a massive residential building from the Roman period yielded findings such as a gold earring inlaid with pearls and precious stones and a Roman boxer figurine, used as a weight.
VFI Plus Archaeology 2
For those who are interested in volunteering exclusively at an excavation site, VFI has developed the VFI Plus Archaeology 2 program, offered November 17-30, 2019. Participants can volunteer for either one week or the full 14 days, and will work with the IAA and Tel Aviv University at the Givati Parking Lot excavation. VFI Plus Archaeology 2 also includes guided tours to off-the-beaten-path locations in Israel.
Learn More
VFI’s 2019 brochure provides further details on each program, as well as cost information and example itineraries. To apply, please visit www.vfi-usa.org/program-options/vfi-plus.
March 29-April 14
17 days VFI PLUS ADVANCED program - $2,880 (Single Supplement $725)
May 12-May 25
14 days VFI PLUS ARCHAEOLOGY program - $2,900 (Single Supplement $1,020)
September 8-September 21
14 days VFI PLUS ARCHAEOLOGY program - $2,595 (Single Supplement $668)
October 25–November 10
17 days VFI PLUS program - $2,695 (Single Supplement $780)
November 17-November 23
7 days VFI PLUS ARCHAEOLOGY-2 program - $1,970 (Single Supplement $438)
November 17-November 30
14 days VFI PLUS ARCHAEOLOGY-2 program - $2,995 (Single Supplement $984)
December 6- December 22
17 days VFI PLUS ADVANCED program - $2,695 (Single Supplement $665)